In the Early Years, children enjoy a caring environment that fosters positive feelings of self-worth and respect. Personal, social, emotional, physical and intellectual development take place through opportunities to engage in free and carefully structured play. With listening and reciprocity as our pedagogical belief, adults and children are seen as learning partners. Relationships, sense of community, valuing of ideas by adults and peers, freedom of expression and the development of multiple literacies are at the heart of the learning experience.
In order to ensure the child’s holistic development, the BRPS Early Years has replaced subject titles with ‘Areas of Experience’ that are all equally important and interrelated. The areas also facilitate effective assessment of learning and development. The Five areas of experience are:
- Communication, Language and Literacy (English and Urdu)
- Mathematical Development
- Knowledge and Understanding of the World
- Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)
- Physical Development